coefficient of variation of grade 品位变化系数
trend of variation 变化趋势
B3 coefficient of variation B3变异系数
coefficient of variation 偏差系数; 质量控制品; 变异系数; 变化系数; 变差系数; 离差系数; 偏离系数; 变异系数(CV); 变异系数CV; 离散系数; 变异率; 分布系数; 不确定性; 均差百分比; 变动系数; 差异系数; 异质性测量; 离势系数
coefficient of variation CV 变异系数; 变异系数CV
coefficient of variation limit distribution 变差系数
coefficient of variation method 变异系数法
Coefficient of variation nature 变化性质系数
Coefficient of Variation scale 变化程度系数
coeffiecient of variation 变异系数
CV coefficient of variation 过量浓度法
Genetic coefficient of variation 变异系数
instantaneous coefficient of variation 瞬时方差系数
large extent coefficient of variation 大离散
local coefficient of variation 局域方差系数
measure of coefficient of against glint 逆反射系数测量
method of variation coefficient 变异系数法
model of variation coefficient 变异系数法
population coefficient of variation 总体变导系数